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AARP RealPad (not What AARP Promoted)

Like the many fluff pieces you can find on the AARP’s online presence. I was pretty skeptical about the launch of the AARP’s RealPad. The pad is basically an android based tablet being promoted to senior citizens.

When I analyzed the RealPad the first thought that came to my mind was pertaining to the usefulness and practicality of the device. What was its purpose?
I was curious if there were any new additions or features that would provide ergonomic comfort to users over the age of 50. I feel that the AARP’s RealPad is basically developed to help AARP make more money.

As part of the baby boomer generation myself it would help if the AARP RealPad had a bigger display screen. Since senior citizens can get confused in using such new technologies. However, its screen is just less than 8 inches like other mini tablets.

The RealPad has many apps built in, which can be found on the tool bar right under the home page. However, this does not enhance usability at all. It seems like a product designed to promote AARP apps. With saturation of mobile computing technologies one would expect the AARP RealTap to be cost effectively priced, but no. It costs around about $189. However the AARP apps can be downloaded on it for free.

AARP RealTab was promoted to target those individuals that are not tech savvy. This was a very clever marketing strategy; however, the product does not meet its promotional claim. If you are new at mobile technologies the RealTab is no great help. You will struggle with computing and touch screen technologies, but you will find the user aspect of the tab convenient.

AARP has proven itself to provide useless information with poor quality information in its articles. They are showing that they are not really interested in catering to their target market with fluff articles and pointless products like AARP RealTab. They might be force as lobby for Senior American citizens, but they have to be a bit more ethical in the way they profit from those they cater to.

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