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Computer Gadgets

​Dell Latitude 7212 Rugged Extreme Tablet

​Are you looking for a laptop that focuses on durability? Do you have a job that requires frequent travels to disaster struck areas? The market is flooding with newer technologies every day. While some are useful, a majority of them have no real importance or useful attribute for the customer. In such cases, shiny surfaces and colorful advertising attract customers. The question arises, how do you distinguish between what you need and what the market is providing you?

It can be surprising how a few hours of research can lead you to a better purchase. The Dell Latitude 7212 is a handy device for travelers or members of the National Guard. With a battery life that lasts throughout the day and better resistance to cold weathers, the Dell Latitude is ideal for people who spend time on outdoor adventures. The 11.6-inch laptop screen with a staggering weight of 6 pounds is the perfect companion to bring along with you on your adventures. The entire structure of the laptop is built to withstand drops as high as 6 feet in the air and is also waterproof, so you do not have to worry about the laptop frying up.

The laptop is available for $640 on Amazon. The price is reasonable is considering its strength and ability to adapt to any situation it faces. The detachable screen has the windows button on it so even if you take it with you, it is fully functional. It also has a five point resistive touch screen which means that in case you are in extremely cold conditions, you can still use the tablet while wearing gloves. Overall, this laptop gives the performance that it is paid for and is a smart purchase for thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies.

Photo by: Dell

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