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Pocket265 Is A New Pocket-Sized 6502 Single-Board Computer

Single-board computers have been popular since the 1970s when microprocessors became more affordable. Nowadays, we have options like Raspberry Pis and LattePandas. Back in the day, there were larger boards such as the Ferguson Big Board and the KIM-1. These older boards were much bigger and required significant power supplies to operate, unlike the compact and efficient boards available today.

However, there are innovative solutions like the Pocket265, created by [Aleksander]. This handheld 6502 single-board computer is reminiscent of the classic KIM-1. It features a hexadecimal keypad for programming in machine code and LED displays to show output, giving it a retro 1970s programmable calculator look. The Pocket265 is compact, fitting in one hand, and uses bubble LED displays. It is portable with a built-in lithium battery and comes with a 3D printed case for comfortable handling.

The ROM chip on the Pocket265 contains a monitor program that runs the user interface. It simplifies programming by providing system calls for tasks like user input and displaying output. The board also has a serial EEPROM for local data storage and a UART with a USB interface for data transfer to other computers. If you want to build and program your own Pocket265, [Aleksander] offers code examples and detailed hardware documentation on their GitHub page.

The 6502 processor continues to be popular among hardware enthusiasts, with various projects showcasing its capabilities. You can explore beautifully crafted machines, easy-to-build single-board computers, or even large breadboard-based setups. For a more compact option, check out tidy little boards or setups combining the 6502 with an FPGA.

Image Source: Hackaday

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