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Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 – a Fine Tablet at An Affordable Price

Finding an affordable tablet with impressive features is not as difficult as it was before. Manufacturers are constantly competing with others to offer something new and innovative. With so much to choose from, it can be difficult for an individual to make an informed decision. However, looking at the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, it might just be the tablet you have been looking for all along.

The overall design of the Galaxy Tab 4 isn’t unique, nor is it different. It looks like nothing more than a plastic slab and weighs 277g. However, it is comfortable to hold for long durations. Even though the tablet doesn’t give you a good grip, it has a smooth back that’s not slippery. The headphone jack can be found at the top of the device, right above the display. The micro-USB port is located at the bottom. The volume rocker and lock switch are located on the right while the microSD slot is secured by a flap on the bottom right of the device.

Features and Specifications
With a 7-inch display, the tablet’s screen offers 1280×800 resolution. However, you will be disappointed to find out that the tablet only offers 8GB of internal storage space, of which only half is available for use once you have fired it up. However, the good news is you can expand its memory with a microSD card. With a 1.2GHz quad-core processor and 1.5GB RAM, it performs better than other tablets in the same price range.

The tablet houses a rear 3.0-megapixel camera with a 1.3-megapixel camera on the front. It is powered by Android KitKat 4.4 with a custom skin. The Android stock menus have been replaced with Samsung’s optimizations which may bother a lot of people who are used to the traditional elements found on other Android tablets. It is worth noting that this tablet has a larger 4000mAh battery which should give you a backup of 10 hours or more, depending on your personal use.

It’s safe to say the Galaxy Tab 4 does relatively well considering the fact it costs no more than $180. However, you can get it cheaper if you buy if online which makes it worth looking into.

Photo credit: Samsung

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